Enrollment is closed for the current school year. Please click below to submit an interest form for the 2025-26 school year. Our lottery will be held on March 26.

Click here for Public Random Drawing Information for 2025-2026 Enrollment

Please keep your student enrolled at their current school.

Please stay enrolled in your current school until our Registrar has called to inform you that you are enrolled in Olive Grove Charter School.
This process can take some time, so please be patient and stay enrolled in school, as is legally required in the state of California.

Admission Requirements

Olive Grove Charter School (OGCS) will be nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies, and all other operations and will not charge tuition or discriminate against any student based upon any of the characteristics listed in Education Code Section 220.

OGCS shall admit all pupils who reside in Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County, Kern County, or Ventura County who wish to attend the Charter School subject to the provisions set forth below. No test or assessment shall be administered to students prior to acceptance and enrollment into the school. OGCS will comply with all laws establishing minimum and maximum age for public school attendance in charter schools.

Admission preference will be given (1) to siblings of currently enrolled OGCS students and (2) to students who reside in the District of the learning center to which they are applying.

Olive Grove Charter School will enroll a diverse student population who understand and value the OGCS mission and are committed to the OGCS operational philosophy. Prospective students and their families will be briefed regarding the Charter School’s instructional philosophy and given a copy or summary of the Charter School’s guidelines.

Admission to the Charter School will require submission of an application form. The enrollment process will include submission of a completed enrollment/registration packet and an agreement signed by the parent/guardian, student, charter school teacher and any person designated by the parent to teach their child. This agreement will include goals, objectives, guidelines and reason(s) for dismissal to be followed for the time period specified in the contract. After enrollment, testing to determine each child’s level of academic skills will assist OGCS with course placement and supplementary supports, as needed.


If, prior to the beginning of a school year, the number of admissible applicants exceeds capacity, there shall be a random public drawing for new students. At the conclusion of the public random drawing, all students who were not granted admission due to over-capacity shall be given the option to put their name on a wait list according to their draw in the lottery. This wait list will allow students the option of enrollment in the case of an opening during the current school year. In no circumstance will a wait list carry over to the following school year. Upon confirmation that a student has secured a spot at the Charter School, parents must complete and submit an application form.

Recruitment & Outreach

Olive Grove Charter School will implement a student recruitment strategy that includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following elements or strategies to ensure a racial and ethnic balance among students that is reflective of the general population residing within the territorial jurisdiction of the District:

  • An enrollment process that is scheduled and adopted to include a timeline that allows for a broad-based recruiting and application process.
  • The development of promotional and informational material that appeals to all of the various racial and ethnic groups represented in the district.
  • The distribution of promotional and informational materials to a broad variety of community groups and agencies that serve the various racial, ethnic, and interest groups represented in the district.
  • Outreach meetings in several areas of the district to reach prospective students and parents.
  • Outreach meetings with local high school counselors.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Olive Grove Charter Schools, Inc. and the Olive Grove Charter Schools prohibit discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on disability, gender, age, nationality, race or ethnicity, relation, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or association with one or more of these groups. This policy applies to all acts related to a school activity or school attendance at any of the associated Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), as well as to all acts of the governing board or body of the organization.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the anti-discrimination policy:
Meg Rydman, Superintendent, 805-623-1111, mrydman@olivegrovecharter.org (Title IX/504 Coordinator)
For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit https://ocrcas.ed.gov/contact-ocr for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.